Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Matt!!

My sweet, growing baby girl - 20 weeks (11/24/09)

So, I think it's strange that people want to see me getting "rounder" (as my mom would label it), but since my family is not here, I figured I would start posting some developing bump pictures. This was three weeks ago, but you get the idea.

Emma's Nusery

We are slowly getting the nursery put together for Emma. Matt and his sweet family painted her room while I was out of town. Looks like chickens are going to be our theme - if there is even a theme to this room. My favorite addition so far is this name train - maybe because I can see her name every time I walk into her room. All that is left is a coat of paint on the dresser and to find a crib! I keep thinking we have more time, but it seems to be flying by these days, so I hope we get it all done before she comes!